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Avert Your Eyes

Welcome to the Avert Your Eyes Podcast! Consider yourself warned!

May 19, 2019

This episode's guest is Dave Lieber who is “The Watchdog” columnist at The Dallas Morning News. He is also on a mission to bring back to life a forgotten historical figure of North Texas – Amon G. Carter – who owned the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, WBAP-AM and what’s now NBC 5. Carter is credited with bringing a...

Oct 23, 2016

Welcome to the Avert Your Eyes Podcast! This episode's guest is filmmaker Monika Watkins of Bird Set Free Films. We discuss her upcoming documentary film 'From Selma To New York' about the Tuskegee Airman Dabney Montgomery, some of the challenges of film making, growing up in Atlanta and much more on the Avert Your...